Thursday, September 18, 2014

SUGAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - or not.

        So it's been awhile since I've posted on my blog, but now that things are settling down after a crazy busy summer, hopefully I'll have more time to write some posts and testimonies and stuff.

        I'm back in Germany, and I'm going to be working with AFCOE-Europe as Outreach Coordinator for the next 9-months. But also while I am here I decided to put myself to a challenge. And the challenge is not eat sugar, (white sugar, brown, sugar, Maple Syrup, Honey, Agave, Corn Syrup ect.) or anything containing sugar, (Pastries, Condiments, Peanut Butter, Jelly, Cereals, ect.) until Christmas. But I am not removing fruit from the diet as those fruits have plenty of fiber, and are also in their original state.
       Why do this? Cause I believe that in the western diet we get far too much sugar, and it is crippling on the immune system, and also helps cancer to grow, as well as harm the body in many other ways. So I'm doing it for health, but also to test myself, and work on self-control. I'm trying to strengthen the mental faculties by denying myself of something that I enjoy.
        Also, since I believe we are called to do the best service we can to God, I don't want to weaken my body and thus be less useful in the work for God.

       I have 3 friends who have already joined me in this challenge. If you want to, you can to. Test yourself. I challenge you to stop eating sugar until Christmas. Or even for a shorter period of time.

"Self-denial is the test and definition of self-government." -G.K. Chesterton