Sunday, March 30, 2014

The Quest!

        We had quite an eventful evening here in Germany. Two of the AFCOE Students, Anna and Natalie, were just getting back to the AFCOE Center when they found an injured bird in the driveway, and they were trying to catch it. A few of us went outside when we saw the two sisters scrambling around in the garden after the little fellow. Finally, after a few frantic minutes, Anna succeeded in capturing the poor little guy. But what does one do for a little bird with a broken wing? Well unbeknownst to me, Germany has an Animal Emergency number to call for injured animals. So the sisters called the number and found out where to take the bird. (The bird was just a small one, and looked kind of like a Chickadee)

       So we found the address, and made a nice box for the bird so that he would be safe and somewhat comfortable. Then 5 of us (Natalie, Anna, Che, Adina, and I) loaded up in the AFCOE Car to bring our little patient to the Bird Hospital. It was probably a 20 minute drive to where we needed to go, and we were using my GPS, which was quite amusing, because it was in Miles and Yards, and was quite confusing to my European friends. (I finally changed it to Metric)

      Then we made it to the address that had been written down, and it was just a residential home... But, undeterred Anna and Natalie rang the doorbell. (They were really on a mission to save this bird!) It turned out to not be the right place, but the lady gave us directions as to where the people were who took in injured animals were. I guess the directions were misunderstood, and so we started walking up and down streets looking for any place that looked anything like an Animal Rescue place. It was a nice evening stroll through the neighborhood. Then we found a house with lots of birds on it, and so the sisters went up and knocked on the door thinking that maybe it was the place, but alas it 'twas not.    
                      -Side note: This is all happening at like 9 o'clock at night, just randomly asking people at their door if they were an Animal Rescue Home. (But I think that Anna and Natalie would have knocked on every door in the neighborhood if they needed to!) (Us Americans and Romanian, were just kind of along for the ride, and the adventure)

      Still undeterred in their quest to find this place the Sisters asked some people on the street if they knew where the place was, and surprisingly they did! So these people showed us the place, and we were able to give the little guy to a lady there who takes in the animals. She made some comment about how the Bird had almost as large an entourage as the President!

      So with the Bird safe and sound, we all headed back to the AFCOE Center. And we made it back in one piece!

       Just your average day at AFCOE-Europe and if you ever need an Animal Krankenwagen (Ambulance) just call us and we'll get the job done!

       Oh and we never did the give the Bird a name unfortunately...

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